What support will I receive from a Licensed Immigration Adviser/ Registered Migration Agent?

Our migration specialists are licensed by either the New Zealand Immigration Adviser’s Authority (IAA), as required by New Zealand law and / or The Migration Agents Registration Authority (MARA) for Australia.

In order to qualify for a licence, our advisors have gone through a rigorous process examining their knowledge and understanding of Immigration law and policy, and have submitted actual case files so the regulatory authorities can examine the quality and accuracy of the advice and communication with clients.

In addition, the company’s contracts and financial management have been scrutinised to verify that you will be dealt with ethically, fairly and honestly as our client. This is your guarantee of quality and security.

More answers to commonly asked questions

About our service and immigration requirements

Can you help me find a job?


How will using The Emigration Group help me?


What type of visas can you help with?


How long does the whole immigration process take?


How much are your fees? Do I have to pay everything upfront?


Start realising your dream of moving down under today and contact The Emigration Group