Visa Australia - Avoiding the Pitfalls

June 5, 2014

Making the move to another country is a big step, whether you are going by yourself or taking your family and the most crucial aspect to get in order first and foremost is that of the visa. Australia, as do most countries, has a fairly stringent immigration procedure and it is easy to fall into some of the more common mistakes when it comes to filling in your visa. Australia will provide different visas for different circumstances and it's crucially important to ensure that you have all your paperwork in order when it comes to your visa. Australia, being such a popular destination, has a emigration consultants who are well versed in the process of emigrating to Australia and most who have decided to take this step will seek their advice first in order to avoid the common mistakes that befall many filling out their visa. Visa Australia - The Most Common Visa Mistakes

The process of filling out a visa can be quite laborious, which is why most who plan to emigrate will utilise the services of emigration experts to help them with the filling out of their visa. Australia has an extremely welcoming immigration policy but ensure that you don't fall foul of the following pitfalls when it comes to filling out your visa:

  • Leaving Out Information - A common mistake is omitting certain bits of information on your visa. Australia doesn't look kindly on misinformation and it is always best to be completely candid on your visa application in order to avoid jeopardising your future in the country should this oversight come to light.
  • Not Using Right Visa - Australia has different visas for different purposes of visit i.e. permanent residence or a work visa. Australia encounters many problems from the fact that many who are emigrating from the UK don't actually fill in the right visa form. This is why most people will seek the advice of emigration experts prior to applying for a visa.
  • Insufficient Employer References - Many people go to Australia to work and this obviously requires references to placed on a work visa. Australia offers work opportunities to a veritable myriad of employment sectors and one of the most common errors pertaining to the filling out of visas is that of not providing sufficient information about your previous employers and references.

Looking for a Visa? Australia & New Zealand Experts The Emigration Group can Help The Emigration Group is a UK company that works to help people achieve a new life overseas, dealing primarily with British and other English speaking migrants wishing to emigrate to Australia and New Zealand. All the work involved with preparing your residence application is done in the UK, making for easy communication with clients. Together with our in house specialists in migrant employment search, we provide an effective and total emigration service. We successfully link together employers and job seekers, providing the fast track way to a new job, at a level of remuneration which fully reflects your skills and experience. For expert advice and a free info pack call 0845 230 4390.