Australia Amends It's Priority Processing

October 7, 2009

A new priority processing direction came into force on 23 September 2009 and applies to applications (General Skilled, Employer Sponsored & Business Skills) in the pipeline that have not been finalised and to applications lodged with the Department of Immigration & Citizenship on or after 23 September 2009.

Priority processing are listed below with highest priority listed first:

  1. ENS and RSMS applications
  2. State/territory nominated applications with nominated occupation on Critical Skills List (CSL)
  3. Family member sponsored applications with nominated occupation on CSL
  4. Applications not nominated or sponsored, but with nominated occupation on CSL
  5. State/territory nominated occupations with nominated occupation NOT on CSL
  6. (i) applications with nominated occupation on the Migration Occupations in Demand List (MODL) (ii) Family member sponsored applications with nominated occupation on the MODL
  7. All other applications processed in the order in which they are received

To understand how these changes may affect you or to clarify your options please contact one of our migration specialists on 0845 2302526.