Adelaide – Built to be a better Britain

November 21, 2012

Although it's often seen to be a completely different country "Australia is the second most English country in the world" – or at least historian James Jupp thinks so.

For many people the thought of relocation can be a little scary, especially when confronted with new cultures, lifestyles and languages – so luckily for people who are looking to move from the UK, Australia has many of these elements in common.

With cities such a distance apart it's understandable that each would have a different immigration experience, but one city which has kept much of its "Britishness" throughout this transition is Adelaide.

Wherever you go in Adelaide you can see clear symbols of British heritage, whether it's through the street names such as "King William Street" or even when you head down to the beaches which are often named after traditional British figures such as Grange, Henley and Glenelg.

In fact, in a recent study of South Australian migrants conducted by Flinders University academics many British migrants said they felt like they were "moving next door" rather than to an overseas country – after all just under half the Adelaide population is from British heritage.

In addition the idyllic location of Adelaide among rolling hills and the relatively temperate climate compared to the rest of Australia (while being warm it doesn't experience the intense tropical heat of the north), make it a perfect new home for British migrants.

If you are looking for a home away from home with the added benefit of a relaxed lifestyle, warm climate and excellent education and healthcare systems then Adelaide could be your ideal choice for relocation.

For more information on how you can make Adelaide your new home, or to find out more about emigration to Australia, get in touch with The Emigration Group today on 01244 321414 (North) or 0207 118 2526 (South).