Highest Number of 457 Visa Applications Since 2008

August 11, 2011

An influx of workers to fill large skill gaps in Australia has seen the highest number of 457 Visa applications and grants since 2008.

According to the Department of Immigration and Citizenship, the visa subclass has seen a 38.3% increase in applications for the 11 months to the end of May. The mining and construction sectors accounted for the largest number of these applications at around 20%.

Over the last 11 months mining and construction jobs in Western Australia have seen a dramatic increase with the latter seeing a double in the number of applications. Both industries also doubled in Queensland and with several large contracts in the pipelines these numbers are expected to increase.

As one of the largest industries in Australia, the mining industry relies on large numbers of skilled migrants to keep it functioning effectively and often looks at attracting highly qualified migrants from right around the world, including here in the UK.

If you are looking for a change and would consider working in Australia there has never been a better time to apply. To check your eligibility and start the application process contact The Emigration Group today on 01244 321414 (North) or 0207 118 2526 (South).